

Sermon Recordings

Displaying 761 - 780 of 801

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/25/14 1 Peter: Aliens and Strangers Jason Salyers Sermon N/A Sunday PM 0525-SunPM-JasonS-1 Peter Aliens and Strangers.mp3
05/18/14 Growth in the KIngdom Jason Salyers Sermon N/A Sunday AM 0518-SunAM-JasonS- Mat. 13 Growth in the Kingdom.mp3
05/11/14 Mothers Wendell Seaborne Sermon N/A Sunday AM 0511-SunAM-WindleS-Mothers.mp3
05/11/14 Christian Life Martin O'Neal Sermon N/A Sunday PM 0511-SunPM-MartinO-Christian Life.mp3
05/04/14 Jesus the Bread of LIfe Tim Boaz Sermon N/A Sunday AM 0504-SunAM-TimB-Jesus is the Bread of Life.mp3
05/04/14 Luke 11, Parable of the Needy Friend Jason Salyers Sermon N/A Sunday PM 0504-SunPM-JasonS-Luke 11, Parable of the Needy Friend.mp3
04/27/14 Offering and Sacrifice part 1 Jason Salyers Sermon N/A Sunday AM 0427-SunAM-JasonS-Offering and Sacrifice Part 1.mp3
04/27/14 Offering and Sacrifice part 2 Jason Salyers Sermon N/A Sunday PM 0427-SunPM-JasonS-Offering and Sacrifice Part 2.mp3
04/13/14 God of Solomon Martin O'Neal Sermon N/A Sunday AM 0413-SunAM-MartinO-God of Solomon.mp3
04/06/14 Do Not Grow Weary of Doing Good Jason Salyers Sermon N/A Sunday AM 0406-SunAM-JasonS-Do Not Grow Weary.mp3
04/06/14 Luke 7 Authority Faith Jason Salyers Sermon N/A Sunday PM 0406-SunPM-JasonS-Luke 7 Authority Faith.mp3
03/30/14 Theme of the Bible Part 2 Jason Salyers Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 0330-SunAM-JasonS-Theme of the Bible Part 2.mp3
03/30/14 1 Tim. 1:5 - Goal of Our Instruction Jason Salyers Sermon N/A Sunday PM 0330-SunPM-JasonS-1Tim1,1-5.mp3
03/26/14 What Godly Women Give Their Children Bill McIlvane Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 0326-WedPM- Bill MacIlvain-What Godly Women Give Their Children.mp3
03/25/14 The New Normal Bill McIlvane Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 0325-TuePM-Bill Mcllvain- The NEW Normal.mp3
03/24/14 In Laws and Outlaws Bill McIlvane Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 0324-MonPM-BillMcIlivain-Inlaws and Outlaws.mp3
03/23/14 Generations Bill McIlvane Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 0323-SunAM-Bill McIlvain- Generations.mp3
03/16/14 What Do I Believe Wendell Seaborne Sermon N/A Sunday AM 0316-SunAM-WendellS-What Do I Believe.mp3
03/09/14 Third John Martin O'Neal Sermon N/A Sunday AM 0309-SunAM-MartinO-Third John.mp3
03/09/14 Philipians 3 - Goal and Prize Jason Salyers Sermon N/A Sunday PM 0309-SunPM-JasonS-Philipians 3 Goal and Prize.mp3

Displaying 761 - 780 of 801

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