Hide and Seek
I remember that one of the few times that I was allowed to be out after dark was in the summer when parents in the neighborhood would be sitting on their front porches and the kids would be allowed to play hide and seek in the neighbor yards. There were lots of places to hide.
There are a number of stories in the Bible about Hiding.
The following people are playing in my Bible game of Hide and Seek. Can you match the player with the hiding event?
Who, when he heard five Kings were hiding in a cave, had great stones rolled against its mouth and guards posted? (Josh 10:16-18)
Who hid in a field to escape a jealous King who wanted to kill him? (1Sam, 20:1
Which boy was hidden in God’s house for six years to save him from being murdered? (2 Chron. 22:10-12)) (2 Chron. 22:10-12)
Who was told by God to hide by Cherith Brook and eat food supplied by ravens? (1 Kings 17:2-4)
Who “took 10 prophets and hid them in a cave and fed them bread and water”? (1 Kings 18:4)
Who hid two spies on a roof? (Joash. 2:5-6)
Who hid from God among garden trees? (Gen. 3:8)
Which baby was hidden by his mother for three months to save him from being killed by the Pharaoh? (Exod. 1:22)
Who hid from antagonistic Jews who “took they up stones to case at him”? (John 8:57-59)
Who “hid himself among the stuff” and had his hiding place revealed by God? (1Sam. 10:21-22)